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Listings tagged with 'growth' (2)


which plant hormone retraites the growth of the plant ?

https://www.bfmtv.com › economie › economie-social › social › retraite-l-age-pivot-s-appliquera-a-tous-les-salaries-nes-apres-1959_AN-201912110093.htmlnepad-abne.net › plant › which-plant-hormone-retards-the-growth-of-the-plant.html Which Plant Hormone Retards The Growth Of The Plant? Auxin is an […]

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why do growth plates close ?

https://www.epainassist.com › bones › what-are-growth-plates-and-when-do-growth-plates-closehttps://www.epainassist.com › bones › what-are-growth-plates-and-when-do-growth-plates-close What are Growth Plates & When Do Growth Plates Close? – Epainassist The growth plate, which […]

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