who sampled ?
- Listed: 20 June 2021 21 h 40 min
- Expires: 9271 days, 17 hours
Dig deeper into music by discovering direct connections among over 767,000 songs and 248,000 artists, from Hip-Hop, Rap and R&B via Electronic / Dance through to Rock, Pop, Soul, Funk, Reggae, Jazz, Classical and beyond. WhoSampled’s verified content is built by a community of over 25,000 contributors. Make contributions to earn Cred – our very own …https://www.whosampled.com/The-Who/The Who – Samples, Covers and Remixes | WhoSampled
Pinball Wizard (1969) was sampled in. Yahan Ke Hum Sikandar by Udit Narayan, Sadhana Sargam and Jatin Lalit (1992) was covered in. Pinball Wizard by Rod Stewart (1972) Pinball Wizard by The London Symphony Orchestra and The Royal Choral Society (1978) see 27 more connections.https://apps.apple.com/de/app/whosampled/id529092671WhoSampled im App Store – Apple Inc.
WhoSampled is the music DNA discovery app that lets you explore the music connections in your music collection. Access the world’s largest database of sample-based music, cover songs and remixes, and discover who your favorite artists have sampled, or whether your favorite songs have been covered or remixed!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WhoSampledWhoSampled – Wikipedia
WhoSampled is a website and app database of information about sampled music or sample-based music, cover songs and remixeshttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whosampled&hl=en_US&gl=USWhoSampled: Dig deeper into the music you love – Apps on …
WhoSampled is the music DNA discovery app that lets you explore the musical connections in your music collection. Access the world’s largest database of sample-based music, cover songs and remixes,…https://de-de.facebook.com/whosampledWhoSampled – Startseite | Facebook
WhoSampled. Gefällt 162.992 Mal · 2.719 Personen sprechen darüber. https://www.whosampled.com Discover music through samples, cover songs and remixeshttps://whosampled.de.uptodown.com/androidWhoSampled für Android – Download
WhoSampled ist die offizielle App der gleichnamigen Webseite und ermöglicht es dir, herauszufinden, wer aus tausenden von Songs welchen Song in einem Remix oder Cover verwendet hat – also ein ‘Sample’ benutzt hat. Die Datenbank von WhoSampled beinhaltet eine halbe Million verschiedener Tracks von mehr als 180.000 Künstlern.https://twitter.com/whosampledWho sampled? | Twitter
Tweets by whosampled
Die neuesten Tweets von @whosampledhttps://www.youtube.com/user/whosampledWhoSampled – YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGtLGsvOGk4Who Sampled: KRAFTWERK Edition – YouTube
This episode explores some of some the artists or groups that sampled Kraftwerk Please consider donating to my Patreon – Any help would be greatly appreciat…
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