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或者 sentence ?

  • Listed: 27 May 2021 15 h 01 min
  • Expires: 9431 days, 6 hours



或者 (huòzhě) sentence structure – YouTube

In this video we shall discuss the grammar and structure of 或者 (huòzhě) , how to use in sentences.


或者 Example Sentences – Mandarin Chinese-English… – YellowBridge
Free online talking dictionary with sample sentences, handwriting recognition, fuzzy pinyin matches, word decomposition, etc. 你或者我会被选中。


或者 meaning and pronunciation – translate 或者 in… | HSK Academy
Simplified/traditional word. 或者 English definition. huò zhě. or. Sentences examples with 或者.


italki – Simple And Complex Sentence Patterns In Chinese
Complex sentences are those that have more than one subject and predicate, and different parts of a Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include: ……, 或者……; 是…., 还是…


sentence – WordReference.com 英汉词典
run-on sentence nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. This is an example of a run-on sentence because it contains several thoughts and besides it has too many words.


Модальные глаголы в китайском языке – hscake

Модальные глаголы в китайском языке



Sentence dictionary online – Good sentence examples for every word!
Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. We try our best to collect and create good sentences and wish you can make…


Sentence 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典
Sentence 释义: A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a… They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination. He was given a four-year sentence.


Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence
Sentence examples index {indexKey} for YourDictionary.com. With this sentence maker, simply type a word in the search bar and see a variety of sentences with that word used in its different ways.


Sentence – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:Ali is walking.

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或者 sentence ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so […]

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或者 sentence ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so […]

180 total views, 0 today


或者 sentence ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so […]

253 total views, 0 today


或者 sentence ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_UuW3OHPgw或者 (huòzhě) sentence structure – YouTube In this video we shall discuss the grammar and structure of 或者 (huòzhě) , how to use in sentences.https://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/sentsearch.php?word=或者或者 […]

195 total views, 0 today


或者 sentence ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so […]

170 total views, 0 today


在哪 台语 ?

https://www.xfyun.cn/services/voicedictation语音听写-讯飞开放平台 https://www.xfyun.cn/services/voicedictation 4、自选的方言或者小语种购买多个套餐不可叠加,仅限首次购买获取,购买后,可在控制台-语音听写-方言/语种页面领取,自选的方言/语种有效期一年。https://translate.google.com/?hl=zh-CNGoogle 翻译 https://translate.google.com/?hl=zh-CN 文本翻译…https://vip.aqdtv340.com/videos/play/1247191… https://vip.aqdtv340.com/videos/play/12471 爱情岛论坛,百万部免费情色视频,在线秒播,再不用苦苦等待,想看哪个点哪个,性感美女秒到你面前,视频永久免费,日日更新,夜夜大片…https://wikihsk.ru/publ/grammatika/hsk_2_ehlementarnaja_grammatika_kitajskogo_jazyka/zai_s_glagolami_i_poslelogami/3-1-0-111在 (zai) с глаголами и послелогами – HSK 2 / Элементарная… https://wikihsk.ru/publ/grammatika/hsk_2_ehlementarnaja_grammatika_kitajskogo_jazyka/zai_s_glagolami_i_poslelogami/3-1-0-111 Ты где? 你在哪儿学习?https://www.baidu.combaidu.com https://www.baidu.com The site […]

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Hippophae — Plante ?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HippophaeHippophae – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippophae Hippophae is the genus of sea buckthorns, deciduous shrubs in the family Elaeagnaceae. The name sea buckthorn may be hyphenated to […]

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什么时候 ?

https://www.zhonga.ru/chinese-russian/什么时候/1lloi什么时候 [shénme shíhòu] на русском – Китайско-русский словарь… https://www.zhonga.ru/chinese-russian/什么时候/1lloi 什么时候 на русском. shénme shíhòu. Значения.https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/什么时候什么时候 – Wiktionary https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/什么时候 什么时候. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. […]

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如何让飞蚊症消失 ?

https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/vert_fut/2016/02/160201_vert_fut_why-do-you-get-eye-floaters眼睛里的飞蚊究竟是什么? – Bbc 英伦网 https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/vert_fut/2016/02/160201_vert_fut_why-do-you-get-eye-floaters 但对其他人来说,这种情况却有可能导致更加严重的苦恼或损伤,甚至有可能预示着未来的其他疾病。 例如,如果老年人突然出现剧烈的飞蚊症,便有可能发生玻璃体后部脱离(PVD)。 到它们从我们的视野和脑海中渐渐淡化,最终消失。 请访问 BBC Future 阅读 英文原文。https://easily.sinchew.com.my/node/500/看东西有小虫飘·飞蚊症要就医看东西有小虫飘·飞蚊症要就医 | 医识力 https://easily.sinchew.com.my/node/500/看东西有小虫飘·飞蚊症要就医 眼科顾问医生鲍尔星表示,80%的飞蚊症都会自然消失,只有20%患者因为视网膜受损而需要治疗。 因此若出现疑似飞蚊症的人,应尽早做检查及治疗。 纾解法. 1.漂浮物及闪光是随着人老化,玻璃体与视网膜脱离所引起,通常几个星期或几个月后会自然消失。https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/飛蚊症飞蚊症 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/飛蚊症 飞蚊症正式名称为玻璃体混沌或玻璃体浮游物,中医又称云雾移睛。是一种因投入眼睛的光线将浮游在玻璃体的混浊物投影在视网膜上,而在视野中看到物体漂浮的现象。这些玻璃体浮游物在玻璃体中具有不同大小、形状、浓稠度、折射率和能动性,并且通常都是以透明的型态呈现。https://zh.wikihow.com/摆脱家中蚊虫困扰10种方法来摆脱家中蚊虫困扰 https://zh.wikihow.com/摆脱家中蚊虫困扰 […]

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什么是简单请求 ?

https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS跨源资源共享(Cors) – Http | Mdn https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS 什么情况下需要 CORS ? 功能概述 在预检中,浏览器发送的头中标示有HTTP方法和真实请求中会用到的头。https://blog.csdn.net/orangleliu/article/details/20226559XHR 是什么?_orangleliu 笔记本-CSDN博客_xhr是什么意思 https://blog.csdn.net/orangleliu/article/details/20226559 XMLHttpRequest 可以同步或异步地返回 Web 服务器的响应,并且能够以文本或者一个 DOM 文档的形式返回内容。 XHR接口强制要求每个请求都具备严格的HTTP语义-应用提供数据和URL,浏览器格式化请求并管理每个连接的完整生命周期…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az8IA1MZowE什么是股票和股份? – YouTube 股市是金融交易中最为人所熟知、被谈论得最多的领域之一。每天操盘手们都会在股市里购买和卖出私企公司的股份,交易额达数十亿美元。究竟什么是股份(也常被称为股票)?什么是股市?***此视频源自于Tradimo成为一名优秀的投资者纳米文凭。https://book.douban.com/subject/1320282/什么是数学 (豆瓣) […]

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