或者 or 还是 ?
- Listed: 23 May 2021 11 h 40 min
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https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_haishi_and_huozheComparing haishi and huozhe – Chinese Grammar Wiki
Comparing haishi and huozhe. Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. However, 还是 is normally used when asking a question, and 或者 is mostly for declarative sentences. When asking a question, 还是 can be used to provide choices or options.https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese
Good for you! Nonetheless, we’re going to see here how to say or in Chinese. It’s always useful to know how to offer choices when you’re asking a question, and to have a way to give options, isn’t it? In Chinese, both 或者 (huòzhě) and 还是 (háishì) mean or but they are used in different situations.https://www.chineseclass101.com/lesson/chinese-grammar-made-easy-1-two-words-meaning-or-还是-vs-或者/?lp=123Two Words Meaning OR – 还是 vs. 或者 – ChineseClass101
Okay, the next difference is sometimes you will see 还是 (haíshì) in a statement. That’s because it’s used inside a clause and this clause is like a question like You can just pause or use 顿号 (dùn hào) in writing. When you see a long sentence and there’s a clause and it’s like a question, you use 还是…https://www.digmandarin.com/all-video-lessons/learn-about-or-in-chineseLearn about or in Chinese
Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. The usages of these two Chinese grammar conjunctions often confuse beginners while taking Chinese lesson. However, 还是 can only be used when asking a question and 或者 can only be used in a declarative sentence.https://chinesefor.us/lessons/two-ways-to-say-or-huozhe-haishi/Two Ways to Say Or in Chinese with 或者 and 还是 | ChineseFor.Us
So 或者 and 还是 both suggests offering options, and are usually translated as or in English. The difference is that, 或者 is offering options in a declarative sentence/a statement to offer options, while 还是 is usually offering options to ask a question. We’ll learn about 或者 first.https://www.brighthubeducation.com/chinese-lesson-plans/75450-the-difference-between-haishi-and-huozhe-to-express-or/Lesson Plan: Chinese Grammar Conjunctions… – BrightHub Education
The use of Chinese grammar conjunctions 还是 and 或者【háishì and huòzhě】often confuse beginners while taking Mandarin Chinese lesson. This Chinese language lesson plan will help teaching Mandarin Chinese.https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/或者或者 – Wiktionary
或者. or. A或者B ― A huòzhě B ― A or B. In Mandarin, 或者 is exclusively used in statements, while 還是/还是 (háishì) is only used in questions. The inclusion of 還是/还是 in a sentence replaces the need for 嗎/吗 (ma) as a question word.https://lingust.ru/chinese/chinese-lessons/lesson26Модальные глаголы…
Изучаем китайский язык с нуля! 第二十六课 – Урок 26. Я учусь, чтобы стать… 我要研究中国文学. 安德烈: 我们走吧。 Āndéliè: Wǒmen zǒu ba. 玛沙: 还早呢、我要再跟丁云谈谈。 丁云、你会说俄语和英语、你以后想做什么工作? Māsha: Hái zǎo ne, wǒ yào zài gēn Dīng Yún tántan.https://hscake.ru/модальные-глаголы/Модальные глаголы в китайском языке – hscake
夏天我想去中国或者法国旅游。https://www.hanbridgemandarin.com/course/demo/bian-gaibian-bianhua?type=hsk_grammarHow to Use 变(biàn) 改变(ɡǎi biàn) 变化(biàn huà)?
How to Use 最好(zuì hǎo) and 还是(hái shì). La différence entre 还(hái ) 是(shì) et 或者(huò zhě). What is the difference between 还 and 再?
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