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或者 and 还是 ?

  • Listed: 24 May 2021 20 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9522 days, 11 hours



The Difference Between 还是 and 或者 | East Asia Student
A detailed explanation of the difference between the words 还是 and 或者 in Mandarin Chinese, both of which are often translated as ‘or’. Two common words for ‘or’ in Chinese are 还是 and 或者. They have specific, different uses that are quite easy to get right once you know how.


Comparing haishi and huozhe – Chinese Grammar Wiki
Comparing haishi and huozhe. Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. However, 还是 is normally used when asking a question, and 或者 is mostly for declarative sentences. When asking a question, 还是 can be used to provide choices or options.


Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese
The main thing to keep in mind is that 或者 can only be used in declarative sentences. When you want to ask someone to choose or clarify something by asking a question, you want These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so you still use 还是.


Two Words Meaning OR – 还是 vs. 或者 – ChineseClass101
They are used between words and phrases to indicate alternatives. In English, it’s usually translated as or. So we have 还是 (haíshì) and 或者 (huòzhĕ). Okay, let’s look at this one. You see a question mark so it’s a question. You know, automatically, you’re most likely going to be using 还是 (haíshì).


What is the difference between 或是 and 还是? – Quora
Last night I asked my Polish friend when he usually gets up, then he answered that 9点还是10点还是11点还是12点. And today I saw your answer. What a coincidence! So I realize that the discrimination between these two words is important.


What is the difference between 或者 and 还是 ? 或者 vs… | HiNative
Question about Simplified Chinese (China). What is the difference between 或者 and 还是 ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.


Two Ways to Say Or in Chinese with 或者 and 还是 | ChineseFor.Us
So 或者 and 还是 both suggests offering options, and are usually translated as or in English. The difference is that, 或者 is offering options in a declarative sentence/a statement to offer options, while 还是 is usually offering options to ask a question. We’ll learn about 或者 first.


italki – Whats the difference between 或者 and 还是。 Please help me…
a或者b A or B – multiple possibilities a還是b is it A? or is it B? 或 most corresponds to our or, you will often see this single character in a sentence like A (或:B) in spoken language they say 或者 (huo2zhe3) as i undersatnd it, if you use the meanings in the same. sentence, the meanings change…


10. Indicating alternatives 或者 and 还是 Flashcards | Quizlet
Start studying 10. Indicating alternatives 或者 and 还是. Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools.


How to Use 所有(suǒ yǒu) and 一切(yī qiè)
How to Use 最好(zuì hǎo) and 还是(hái shì). What is the difference between 还 and 再? La phrase de 把 et La phrase de 被.

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