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或者 还是 ?

  • Listed: 24 May 2021 20 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9440 days, 3 hours



Learn about or in Chinese

Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者)

Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. The usages of these two Chinese grammar conjunctions often confuse beginners while taking Chinese lesson. However, 还是 can only be used when asking a question and 或者 can only be used in a declarative sentence.


或者 – Wiktionary
或者. or. A或者B ― A huòzhě B ― A or B. In Mandarin, 或者 is exclusively used in statements, while 還是/还是 (háishì) is only used in questions. The inclusion of 還是/还是 in a sentence replaces the need for 嗎/吗 (ma) as a question word.


Модальные глаголы…
Изучаем китайский язык с нуля! 第二十六课 – Урок 26. Я учусь, чтобы стать… 我要研究中国文学. 安德烈: 我们走吧。 Āndéliè: Wǒmen zǒu ba. 玛沙: 还早呢、我要再跟丁云谈谈。 丁云、你会说俄语和英语、你以后想做什么工作? Māsha: Hái zǎo ne, wǒ yào zài gēn Dīng Yún tántan.


How to Use 变(biàn) 改变(ɡǎi biàn) 变化(biàn huà)?
How to Use 最好(zuì hǎo) and 还是(hái shì). La différence entre 还(hái ) 是(shì) et 或者(huò zhě). What is the difference between 还 and 再? La phrase de 把 et La phrase de 被.


Модальные глаголы в китайском языке – hscake

Модальные глаголы в китайском языке



Китайский язык. Полный курс перевода. НАЧАЛЬНЫЙ КУРС…
中国是个大国,又是个小国。 所谓大国就是人多,土地面积大。 所谓小国就是中国还是发展中国家,还比较穷,国民生产总值人均不过三百美元。


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The 要是…就 (yàoshi…jiù)… | Chinese Boost | Learn Chinese
The 要是…就 (yàoshi…jiù) construction is a very common way to form conditional statements in Chinese grammar. Learn how to use it with this quick guide.


深房理事件也太恐怖了,有无懂哥来讲讲 : China_irl

byu/CCCCHIDORI inChina_irl

[-] ahj-worker发一些墙内中国人生活或者更久之前大熊猫录像来冲淡政治氛围 1 point2 points3 points 8 days ago (3 children).


是 [shì] на русском – Китайско-русский словарь и переводчик…
报告长官 我那些羊没有人管可不成您还是让我回家放羊吧. 怎么还站着不动啊是不是想等我踢你们的屁股哇啊. 布莱德利 你应该知道给我进阶那是总统提议的. 可是在国会还没有批准之前. 这急你只能自己着了 你不是我的意中人.

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或者 还是 ?

https://www.digmandarin.com/all-video-lessons/learn-about-or-in-chineseLearn about or in Chinese Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者) Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

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或者 还是 ?

https://www.digmandarin.com/all-video-lessons/learn-about-or-in-chineseLearn about or in Chinese Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者) Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

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或者 还是 ?

https://www.digmandarin.com/all-video-lessons/learn-about-or-in-chineseLearn about or in Chinese Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者) Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

245 total views, 1 today


或者 还是 ?

https://www.digmandarin.com/all-video-lessons/learn-about-or-in-chineseLearn about or in Chinese Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者) Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

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或者/还是 ?

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