哪里 or 哪儿 ?
- Listed: 1 June 2021 19 h 40 min
- Expires: 9330 days, 17 hours
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language…
That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so you are essentially right about it just being a sound. Southerners are less likely to curl their tongues like When one is praised or flattered, 哪里 or 哪里哪里 is generally considered a proper, polite and humble response in Chinese culture.https://www.italki.com/post/question-59412italki – What is the difference between 哪里 and 哪儿 or in general…
hi…..i will try my best to show you! sometimes they have the same meaning :where,for example:where is my watch?(我的手表在哪里?or 我的手表在哪儿?) but sometimes 哪里 has another meaning: some kinds of words about courtesy ! for example: anna said—-wow, your chinese is really goodhttps://forum.duolingo.com/comment/33622638/What-s-the-difference-between-哪里and-哪儿What’s the difference between 哪里and 哪儿? – Duolingo | Forum
I’ve been getting confused about when to use 哪里and 哪儿. According to Duolingo, both mean where and are interchangable, but are there certain conditions where one is used over the other?https://www.chinese-forums.com/forums/topic/8623-哪儿nar-or-哪里-nali-in-shanghai/哪儿(nar) or 哪里 (nali) in Shanghai ? – Shanghai – Chinese-forums.com
If you say 哪儿 in Shanghai/Hangzhou, as a foreigner, there’s a good chance they’ll laugh at you. Anytime I want to get a cheap laugh, I speak with the Northern accent and excessively use 儿. My friends in Shanghai certainly don’t laugh at me when I use 哪儿. I asked them which is better and…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35MzcyVMFpchow to ask where is in Chinese Mandarin na li 哪里 ? OR 哪儿
IF you think his video is helpful for you then please subscribe or thumb up so the others can see it and use it.https://lingust.ru/chinese/chinese-lessons/lesson22Слова со значением места в китайском. Китайские классические…
Изучаем китайский язык с нуля! 第二十二课 – Урок 22. Экскурсия по дому. 后边有一个小花园. 太太: 请丁云看看我们的新房子吧。 Tàitai: Qǐng Dīng Yún kànkan wǒmen de xīn fángzi. 玛沙: 好。 丁云、跟我来。 这是客厅。 Māsha: Hǎo. Dīng Yún, gēn wǒ lái.https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/了-那他到底去了哪里.3065759/了 – 那他到底去了哪里 | WordReference Forums
I’m not a professional in linguistics, and my explanation below is more of an intuitive one than of a grammatical one. As we know, 了 usually present the completion of an action, and in this case, both 去 and 去哪里 could be viewed as an action. In daily life, you will be able to find people speaking in both…https://quizlet.com/234002532/lesson-5-餐厅在哪儿-flash-cards/Lesson 5: 餐厅在哪儿? Flashcards | Quizlet
Start studying Lesson 5: 餐厅在哪儿?. Lesson 5: 餐厅在哪儿? STUDY.https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/documents/erasmus-programme-guide-2021_en去哪儿 – Bing 词典
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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为什么耳朵会痛 ?
https://www.guokr.com/article/89003/乘坐飞机耳痛为哪般?| 果壳 科技有意思 https://www.guokr.com/article/89003/ 常常打飞的的人都知道,飞行时耳朵常会莫名地疼起来,特别是降落时,随着飞机高度的降低,耳痛也会加剧,着陆时疼得最厉害,而感冒会加剧这种疼痛。 这究竟是你的耳朵嘴馋还是它对飞行过敏? 为什么会有飞机耳? 你的耳朵不嘴馋,对飞行也不过敏。https://zh.wikihow.com/去除耳朵里的水如何去除耳朵里的水: 13 步骤 https://zh.wikihow.com/去除耳朵里的水 耳内流出黄色、黄绿色、脓样或者恶臭的排泄物. 拉动外耳的时候,疼痛会加剧. 听力受损. 耳道或者耳部瘙痒. 将头歪向进了水的一侧,如果什么办法都没用,直接去看医生,避免情况恶化。 在许多药店里都能找到酒精含量为95%的滴耳产品,它们是专门用来对付耳朵进水的情况的。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfhySsdOSPI大耳朵图图 第三季 03 – YouTube 超级的模仿能力,在幼儿园里勤学善问、智商高于一般小孩子,再加上小美、大龙、帅子,当这几个友好,富有同情心,富有正义感的小朋友聚在一起的时候,一系. 列充满童趣而精彩的故事,就上演了。 所有的故事都贴近小孩子的生活圈子,是每个小朋友在生活中都可能遇到的事情。 大耳朵图图和朋友…https://coolshell.cn/haoel关于陈皓 […]
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