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发生了什么 in english ?

  • Listed: 22 May 2021 15 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9525 days, 4 hours



发生了什么? in English. 发生了什么? Meaning and Chinese…
What does 发生了什么? mean in English? If you want to learn 发生了什么? in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Chinese Simplified to English.


发 生 translation in English | Chinese-English dictionary | Reverso
发 生 translation in Chinese – English Reverso dictionary, see also ‘发’,发’,一 发’,出 发’, examples, definition, conjugation. In recent years great changes have taken place in this city. 发 生 了 一 起 车 祸 。 There was a car accident.


English Translation of 发生 | Collins Chinese-English Dictionary
English Translation of 发生 | The official Collins Chinese-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Chinese words and phrases. These are our top four pronunciation tips for speakers of Chinese languages to help improve clarity in English February 13, 2020 Read more.


什么 – Translation in English – bab.la
Context sentences for 什么 in English. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.


What does 发生 (Fāshēng) mean in Chinese?
in. Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bengali Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Malayalam Marathi Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese 发生了什么事. 发生于. 发生什么了? 发生什么事了?


grammar – Position of 了in 发生了什么事 vs 发生什么事了 – Chinese…
发生了什么事 VS 发生什么事了. 发生了什么事 more refers to an action/occurance which have/had happened. Finished doing/being smth Like 我吃了一个苹果 (I ate the apple and now it doesnt exist) While, 发生什么事了points that the situation is changed.


How to Say What in Chinese? 什么 Shenme & 怎么 Zenme
In English: What is this? In Chinese: This is what? 这是什么? Such a Mandarin question structure is different from English because the Interrogative Pronouns would usually be the first word of an English sentence.


你叫——叫什么来着? This is one of the phrases taught in… | HiNative
So, the English equivalent of this phrase would be, Uhm, what was your name again..?. *Question 1: Grammar-wise, what does 来着 mean in this phrase? I thought 来 meant coming or (towards the direct of the speaker)? And I know how -着 is used but I can’t seem to understand why 来着 is being…


everyone-can-use-english/chapter1.md at master…
人人都能用英语. Contribute to xiaolai/everyone-can-use-english development by creating an account on GitHub. 罗伯特•莫顿教授发现了这个现象,为这类现象取了个名字叫做 自证预言(Self-fulfilling prophecy)。 当人们相信某件事情会发生(事实上那件事情原本并不见得一定会发生),那么此事最…


BBC Learning English – 随身英语
What does a dog mean when it wags its tail? 狗摇尾巴是什么意思? Episode 200622 / 22 Jun 2020. How does a dog express itself? Shops which open and close a few months later? Take Away English talks about the changes in the UK’s town and city centres brought about by the 2008 financial…


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