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怎么 meaning• /zěnme/ ?

  • Listed: 23 May 2021 11 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9440 days, 18 hours



What does 怎么 (Zěnme) mean in Chinese?
Need to translate 怎么 (Zěnme) from Chinese? Here are 2 possible meanings. More meanings for 怎么 (Zěnme).


9 Usages of 怎么(zěnme) – Chinese Grammar | How & How Come in…

9 Usages of 怎么(zěnme) – Chinese Gammar | Learn Chinese for Beginners怎么[zěnme] with 9 Chinese However, 怎么 also means why and how come in Chinese when you stress the word after 怎么. In addition, 怎么 can also be used with many words to express different meanings.


怎么 Zěnme: Meaning And Pronunciation | Mandarin Mania
怎么 zěnme – Definition, native audio, picture association, stroke order, measure words, sample sentences & more! 怎么 (zěnme) English Meaning.


5) When 怎么 (zěnme) means more than the sum of its parts
怎么办 zěnme bàn. What should I do? (frequently at the end of sentences). Uh-oh, your browser doesn’t yet support this What could happen to him? And one last bit here, you can also hear 怎么 (zěnme) used with 回事儿 (huíshìr) to mean something like What’s going on here? or What’s this about?.


How to do something with zenme – Chinese Grammar Wiki
How to do something with zenme. 怎么 (zěnme) means how in Chinese, and it’s not hard to use at all: just put it before a verb. The question word 怎么 (zěnme) is used to ask how in Chinese. It is inserted in front of the verb that’s being asked about: Subj. + 怎么 + Verb + Obj.


How to do something with 怎么 (zěnme) Flashcards | Quizlet
怎么 (zěnme) means how in Chinese, and it’s not hard to use at all: just put it before a verb. The Basic How to Verb Something Structure The question word 怎么 (zěnme) is used to ask how in Chinese. It is inserted in front of the verb that’s being asked about: Subj. + 怎么 + Verb + Obj.


How to do something:怎么 (zěnme)
怎么 (zěnme) means how in Chinese, and it’s not hard to use at all. The question word 怎么 (zěnme) is used to ask how in Chinese. It is inserted in front of the verb that’s being asked about: Subject + 怎么 + Verb + Object. For example, 你怎么学中文? How do you learn Chinese? 你怎么上班? 坐地铁吗?


How in Chinese: Zenme 怎么, Zen(me) Yang 怎(么)样, Ruhe 如何
怎么能够 Zěnme nénggòu means How to be able to in Chinese. 能够 nénggòu refers to the ability to perform a task. 够 Gòu means qualified or enough.


怎么(zěnme) vs. 怎么样 (zěnme yàng) ~ my chinese notebook
Earlier we looked at some of the uses of 怎么 (zěnme), but make sure that you don’t confuse it with 怎么样 (zěnme yàng). Even though they look alike they mean completely different things. Hope these examples gave you a better idea between the differences of 怎么 (zěnme) and 怎么样 (zěnme yàng).


怎么 meaning and pronunciation – translate 怎么 in… | HSK Academy
怎 (zěn): how; 么 (me): used to form interrogative 什么[shen2 me5]; what?; indefinite 这么[zhe4 me5] thus, etc Xiǎojiě xuéxí zěnme zuò yīfú.


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