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Unable to deduct return shipping fees with the updated return page!

  • Numéro de téléphone: ☎️Contact: forum
  • Pays de l'annonce: United States
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Répertoriée 2 décembre 2020 20 h 35 min
  • Expires: Cette annonce a expiré


RETURNS – Unable to deduct return shipping fees with the updated return page!

I am unable to deduct the appropriate return shipping costs of a return with the new return page. The buyer returned it in new condition, but stated that it arrived too late. However, it arrived WAY before the expected arrival date. What do you suggest I do?


I also feel your pain and am having similar situations, but after 9 days, something else just may be going on here.

Since day one, Amazon has has tracked each one of our individual selling account actions, and based on that tracking we put up with suspensions and notifications caused by customer comments. When Amazon first presented this new customer return experience, they said it was to improve the customer experience and make it more transparent, and there just may be some hidden, behind the scenes logic to this.

Yes, this new format is not a one size fits all sellers and returns situations, but it does something different, it does track the customer, and every refund made to them. In the past, if you wanted to give a discount or refund is was simple, you went into the transaction, put a refund amount in the box, and submitted it. Basically, it was all simply done by the Amazon accounting program, and probably was very hard to collectively track without looking at a buyers and sellers individual accounts.

With this new format, I’m guessing it was designed specifically to easily track the customer’s return actions. We as sellers, comply to returns within the given stated policies and refunds. What we as individual sellers do not know, is how many times that wrong return reason is used by the same buyer. Yes the buyer sent sent us back a different product that we sent. We deal with it, and they never buy from us again. But now this new format allows Amazon to track much better just how the buyer uses the return system, and why.

Now, No Money gets refunded, unless it goes through the new system. Amazon can now set parameters to track items like, which buyers are consistently getting partial refunds, what buyers are always claiming sold used as new, what buyers return different or damaged items items that are no longer wanted or needed. (attacking a photo has already helped a claim this week)

So we will have to wait and see. It is strange that the 4 month return policy went went into effect on the same day as the new return format. That sort of indicates that Amazon wants to collect a lot of data quickly, doing formative research. I hope it will be put to good use in protecting sellers from buyers who take advantage of the system.


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