How can I tell a seller that I made a transfer
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
- Expires: 12949 jours, 18 hours
I made a transfer but the seller told me that PayPal didn’t advice that the transfer was made by me? How can I solve it?
189 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui
Sponsored Links – scam seller and false listing! Be aware!
The products I bought from Tomtop were not working, I requested refund, but they were not willing to. I have sent them photos and video […]
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paypal message centre no response
I am trying contact live chat via message centre and every time I was asked to wait for few hours by paypal bot and later […]
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Keep Paypal Withdrawal in USD
Hi, I accept payments in USD but am based in Singapore. I have an account that is able to accept and hold USD as a […]
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always happen problem “Sorry, we weren’t able to complete your paym...
Dear PayPal, I would like to send money to my Italy friend by my credit card. But I always happen problem “Sorry, we weren’t able […]
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Did not receive what i paid for.
Please Refund the money i paid you. You no i can’t afford 4 to 7,000 you asked me for to start the Training. Ken xxxx […]
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Description : Red cup disponible pour vous vendu en pack de 50cup en édition vraiment limitée .
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Maisons à vendre Villa Duplex 9 Pièces à Bingerville
shift Description :VENTE: Somptueuse Villa duplex de 9 pièces bâti sur un lot de 1000 m2 La villa occupe 400 M2 et est composée de: […]
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Vetement Dames
Description : robe disponible a la boutique royal djim’s en promotion 20.000 disponible en plusieurs taille peut se porter a toute occasion avec ou sans […]
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157 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui
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