Can’t make payments
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United States
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 21 janvier 2021 5 h 43 min
- Expires: Cette annonce a expiré

I am trying to send money to other Paypal accounts but a phone code is required. My business account is in Singapore but I am in the UK. When entering the phone number to receive the code it only gives the option of a Singapore number which I do not have. Help?
195 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui
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Paying for an Ebay purchase using PayPal Balance
I’ve purchased an item on Ebay. when I select PayPal as my payment option, Ebay selects the credit card I have listed on my PayPal […]
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Lost access to a 100$ gift card that i purchased and need the transaction r...
Im actually considering switching my direct deposit to a funding source that has actual live customer service agents available to assist me in matter related […]
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The seller sent packages to a wrong(non-accurate) address,what should I do?...
This is the recipient address that shipper gave recipient Address of seller provided this is the actual address on my paypal invoice recipient Address of […]
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I was curious how many others PayPal made interest 6 months
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Cannot transfer money
I cannot transfer money to my debit card. What type of card do I need to get my money? Solved! Go to Solution.
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Paire De Sattelite
Description : vos pair de sattelite sont disponibles
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Assistante Entreprise De Livraison
Description : NE PAYEZ AUCUN FRAIS DE DOSSIERS POUR UN EMPLOI Nous recrutons pour un client , une assistante de direction . C’est une entreprise […]
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Paire De Baskets Classes!!!!
Description : C’est une paire stylée pour les fêtes, ça se rate pas comme occasion !! Les pointures varient jusqu’à 44. Allez, contactez-moi !!
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Referral bonus not received
I received a confirmation email on the 7th of January that my bonus would be in my account. The person I referred also received to […]
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Issue with adding negative balance
I’m trying to add money from my bank account to my negative PayPal balance but it keeps ordering me to link a bank or debit […]
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